Dia do Orgasmo

9 de junho de 2014

O orgasmo feminino é diferente do masculino – Verdade

Enquanto a maioria dos homens tratam o sexo como possibilidade de prazer, separado do emocional, algumas mulheres o associam à possibilidade de uma vivência mais emocional e ligada à intimidade. Mas isso também pode variar de pessoa para pessoa e até mesmo se inverter no casal, de acordo com a história de cada um.

A falta de orgasmo pode gerar algum problema físico ou psicológico na mulher – Verdade

Em muitos casos isso pode gerar frustração e dificuldade de relação interpessoal do casal. Muitas vezes a mulher não tem uma lubrificação nem um dilatamento vaginal suficiente para penetração, o que gera dor durante a atividade sexual e dificulta o prazer. Essas mulheres devem procurar atendimento especializado associado à autopercepção, para que possam ter uma melhor percepção de si mesmas. Nos casos de menopausa, quando o canal vaginal torna-se mais sensível e há uma maior dificuldade de lubrificação, é possível procurar algum tipo de lubrificante e reestruturar a possibilidade da vida sexual de qualidade.

O uso contínuo de pílulas anticoncepcionais deixa a mulher com menos desejo sexual – Mito

Existem inúmeras pílulas anticoncepcionais e cada uma é mais adequada para cada tipo de organismo. Por isso com certeza haverá alguma que funcione de maneira mais indicada e sem efeitos colaterais na vida sexual. O mais indicado é que, antes do uso, a mulher procure um ginecologista para poder se orientar de forma mais adequada.

A camisinha diminui a sensibilidade – Depende

A percepção é subjetiva. Mas o fato é que o uso do preservativo é indispensável e deve ser colocado como prioridade, para ter maior segurança nas suas experiências sexuais, bem como respeito a si mesmo e ao o outro.

Muitas mulheres ainda fingem orgasmo – Verdade

Fingir orgasmo muitas vezes está ligado a vergonha e insegurança. Existe uma divulgação da mulher super sexual, que deve ter orgasmos indiscriminados, e isso pode gerar uma sensação de não pertencer, de diferença, levando a mulher a fingir. Outra condição bastante frequente é o medo de magoar o parceiro ou de perdê-lo, o que faz com que ela abra mão de si mesma para preservar o outro. Mas em qualquer uma das situações é importante que a mulher não faça isso, pois através da comunicação é possível que ela consiga restaurar uma vida sexual de qualidade.

Day Orgasm

Find out what is myth and what is true and improve their relationship Today, July 31, is celebrated the day of the orgasm. A number of factors – such as autonomy, self-knowledge, good physical and psychological – can allow or prevent orgasm happen. The psychologist expert on sexuality Diego Henrique Viviani, the Paulista Institute of Sexuality, explains that, currently, live in a society more permissible to sex in several widely publicized media campaigns that emphasize a quality sex life. But if we think socially we went from a completely male-dominated period in which women often lived at the mercy of the partner’s sexual needs, and today, there is a premise of the woman ‘super sex’, which needs to be intensely active and have orgasm in all sexual activities. “All this generates social charges and ends up creating a lot of beliefs, myths and taboos. And for that orgasm is experienced is important that this woman be allowed to have pleasure. It is a learned behavior, “he says. A tip for women is to always have an open conversation on the subject with your partner, because only then will find out what can be done to make them feel more comfortable in the relationship. “The couple must have good communication before, during and after sex,” directs. He also explains what is myth and what is true when it comes to orgasm. Check out: Depends on the man know to make a woman reach orgasm – Myth Often people believe that man has chosen to find out what they like, the most sensitive points, etc.. But we are talking about the human body and a multitude of sensations that can be explored, making it almost impossible for anyone to discover yourself all the places where they like to be touched. Teach what should be done is not a collection, but intimacy, because it shows the person chosen to do, what not to do and where to touch, so that the sex life can be lived satisfactorily and more intense. Women who masturbate are easier to enjoy when you are with your partner – Truth It is possible that women who know they have it easier to orgasm in sexual activity, because when you allow individual pleasure as well as explore their own bodies are allowing yourself to experience pleasure. However, it is possible to find women who can take pleasure individual, but can´t with a partner. If lack of orgasm continues, the best is to seek expert help, because everyone has the right to have a sexual life quality. A sexual relationship may be favorable to the woman even if she does not enjoy – depends There are reports that women do not always reach orgasm and that this does not prevent the relationship from being enjoyable. But these are isolated experiences. Talk about a sex life without orgasms in all relationships may be satisfactory for some time, but it is possible that, over time, this relationship go losing quality. If this begins to happen with some frequency, it is important that the couple dialogue and try to understand what is actually happening, without charges, because if ever orgasm was present in the sexual life, probably happen again. The clitoral orgasm is different from what occurs with penetration – Truth There are reports of differences between orgasms, the clitoris mainly because there is a greater concentration of nerve endings in one place. For some women, the impression may be more intense in clitoral, while for others will be better in the sense intravaginal, and finally, will be able to other sexual activity with manual stimulation of the clitoris, in order to achieve orgasm, or even those who find it both enjoyable, not knowing how to differentiate one from another. There are certain positions that favor the orgasm – depends The choice of position is highly subjective, as the perception of pleasure and the most sensitive places. The G-spot really makes a difference in sexual intercourse – Myth Some studies indicate a higher concentration of nerve endings in the first third of the vagina, which facilitates the realization of pleasure and is often associated with the point G However, the G-spot has not been identified scientifically and not even know if it actually exists. The ideal is to explore the whole body, because there are a multitude of pleasurable sensations that can and should be present in sexual activities. The female orgasm is different from the male – Truth While most men treat sex as a possibility of pleasure, apart from emotional, some women associate it with an opportunity to experience more emotional and attached to intimacy. But it can also vary from person to person and even reverse the couple, according to the story of each one. The lack of orgasm can generate some physical or psychological problem in women – Truth In many cases this can lead to frustration and difficulty in interpersonal relationship of the couple. Often the woman has a vaginal lubrication or an dilating enough for penetration, which causes pain during sexual activity and hinders enjoyment. These women should seek specialized care associated with self-perception, so they can have a better perception of themselves. In the case of menopause, when the canal becomes more sensitive and there is a greater difficulty of lubrication, you can search for any type of lubricant and restructure the possibility of sexual life quality. The continuous use of contraceptive pills makes women less sexual desire – Myth There are many birth control pills and each is most appropriate for each type of organism. So for sure there will be some who work more indicated and no side effects on sex life. The most suitable is that, before use, the woman find a gynecologist in order to orient themselves more adequately. The condom reduces sensitivity – depends Perception is subjective. But the fact is that condom use is essential and should be placed as a priority for increased security in their sexual experiences, as well as respect for self and others. Many women still pretend orgasm – Truth Faking orgasm is often linked to shame and insecurity. There is a disclosure of sexual super woman who must have orgasms indiscriminate, and that can generate a feeling of not belonging, of difference, causing a woman to pretend. Another condition is quite common fear of hurting the partner or lose it, which makes her give up herself to preserve the other. But in either situation it is important that women do not do it, because through communication she may be able to restore a quality sex life.

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